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Epure ceramic distinguish by the simplicity of it colors and shapes. The observation of nature feeds the imagination of this duo, Justine Lacoste self taught ceramist, and her husband Jean. Therefore, the collection of porcelain vases Grey storm and Grey cloud takes a variation of skies speckled with golden spots, as many rays of sunshine going through the clouds of a deep grey stormy sky or a pearly grey cloudy sky. In constant search for this fragile balance between shape, color and texture, Justine Lacoste takes us toward a subtle minimalist style that touches us thanks to the sensual imperfection of its design.

Epure ceramic distinguish by the simplicity of it colors and shapes. The observation of nature feeds the imagination of this duo, Justine Lacoste self taught ceramist, and her husband Jean. Therefore, the collection of porcelain vases Grey storm and Grey cloud takes a variation of skies speckled with golden spots, as many rays of sunshine going through the clouds of a deep grey stormy sky or a pearly grey cloudy sky. In constant search for this fragile balance between shape, color and texture, Justine Lacoste takes us toward a subtle minimalist style that touches us thanks to the sensual imperfection of its design.